Prescription Audit Report

According to the WHO, around 50% of all medicines around the world are inappropriately prescribed, dispensed, or sold. This has potential implications on health-care budgets, given the fact that approximately 25%–70% of global health-care expenditure is allocated to and spent on medicines. 

Prescription errors can be caused by both human and system-related factors. Typically, these errors derive from mistakes such as writing a lower or higher dose than the correct one. In addition, patient-related factors may also result in adverse effects, such as a history of allergy and non-adherence to medical instructions. As a result, detecting such errors is the first critical step in developing safer systems and preventing negative outcomes. A systemic analysis of prescriptions can detect these errors through a prescription audit. 

Prescription auditing is a quality improvement process that seeks to enhance patient care and outcomes through systematic reviews of care against explicit criteria and the implementation of change. Prescription auditing is also an educational activity and, if regularly done, can aid in improving the prescription quality and thus enable the patient to receive the highest standard of care.

Clinixir will perform comprehensive clinical audits to find and assess appropriate drug dispensary practices to ensure that sponsors are aware of physicians’ practices and the prescription of medications by product and indication. This includes references on prescription frequencies, units, intakes, and patient demographics. We have access to an overview of intricate patient data through integrated EMRs, which is utilized to assess the results of prescription audits through our partnerships with eight of Thailand’s leading medical institutions.

